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"Is the consultation reimbursed ?"


              It depends on your mutual company; I invite you to consult your contract in order to know if you benefit from a partial or complete medical treatment of osteopathic care. You could also consult the list of the mutual insurance that reimburse osteopathic actions, by clicking here.


"How many consultations are necessary to relieve a pain ? "


    .The number of sessions varies from the kind, the duration, the intensity and the reason you consult. Most often, the osteopathy relieves your pains in only one session. But sometimes, it occurs that your osteopath asks you to realize one or two additional sessions if the treatment required isn’t accomplished in only one session (in case of old pains, many previous trauma or in case of special monitoring like for young kids, orthodontic treatments or pregnant women).


"Why I am not relaxed ?"


     Sometimes, it’s possible that the osteopathic session doesn’t produce any soothing. It can have several explanations: the osteopathic treatment involves the respect of a little break (of a few days in which we ask you to not overwork your body), if that delay hasn’t been respected, that can explain the weakness or the not enhancement of your state. The treatment realized for the patient may not have been the good one. Some mental blocks might still be present or the compensation of your body further to the session could showcase new mental blocks. The osteopathy might not be the best solution. In any case, contact your osteopath, you will discuss it with him and know the way to follow (break, new osteopathic consultation, appointment in another practitioner).

Questions - Answers

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